Priority Level |
Operator |
Name |
Combination Law |
1 | () |
Bracket |
2 | + |
Positive Sign |
Right to left |
- |
Negative Sign |
~ |
Bitwise Not |
3 | * |
Multiplication |
Left to Right |
4 | + |
Addition |
Left to Right |
- |
Subtraction |
Left to Right |
5 | & |
Bitwise And |
Left to Right |
6 | ^ |
Bitwise Xor |
Left to Right |
7 | | |
Bitwise Or |
Left to Right |
Operators will be operated following their priority levels. For example, in 1+2&3, addition will be calculated first, then bitwise and. For 1-+2, positive sign will be calculated first, then subtraction.
Operators with same priority level will be operated following the combination law. For example, in 1+2-3, the combination law of addition and subtraction is "Left to Right", addition should be calculated first, then subtraction. In -~1 , bitwisenot will be calculated first, then negative sign.
The expressions uses 32-bits signed integer type in the calculate process. You do not need to consider type conversion and overflow processing. For example, the result of ~1 should be -2, and the result of multiplying 2 by 32 times should be 0.
Please write a program to simulate the IceRuler's calculator. Given expressions, you are required to return the results of this calculator.