LowbieH is a naive five-year-old kid. Because he is stupid, his best friend Skylar wants to train him. Skylar gives LowbieH \(n\) strings containing only lowercase letters, and the \(i_{th}\) string is \(s_i\). Skylar raises q problems, and takes out two strings \(s_i\) and \(s_j\) at a time, she wants LowbieH to judge \(f(i,j)\) and \(f(j,i)\) which is bigger and which is smaller. \(f(s,t)\) represent the maximum \(i\) satisfy \(s_{1...i} = t_{|t|-i+1...|t|}\), and \(f(s,t) = 0\) if such \(i\) doesn't exist. For each question, LowbieH will provide a response \(c\) which is "<", ">" or "=". Now you are the referee, please judge how many questions LowbieH answered correctly.