n and m terms, please calculate the sum
n and m terms, please calculate the sum
The first line has two numbers: n and m (0<n,m<1000000)
The next n lines are the coefficients and exponents of the terms in the first polynomial.
After that, the next m lines, are the coefficients and exponents of the terms in the second polynomial.
The values of all coefficients and exponents are in the range (-1e9,1e9)
The first line is an integer k, it is the number of terms in the result.
The next k lines are the coefficients and exponents of the result.
If the coefficient of the item is 0, you should not count it as result.
2 2
2 1
1 3
2 3
1 4
2 1
3 3
1 4
Please use fast I/O.