Welcome to DSAA_LAB3! Happy National Day and enjoy this lab!
It has 7 problems, 5 for compulsory, 2 for bonus. Please be patient and cautious.
Compulsory problems: A(easy):20 B (median):20 C(easy):20 D(median):20 E(median):20
Bonus problems: F(hard):30 G(hard):30
Problem ID | Title | Source/Category | AC | Submit | |
1029 Problem A | Combine Soldier Lists | Lab3 | 64 | 430 | |
1030 Problem B | Compute Combat Values of Soldiers | Lab3 | 56 | 505 | |
1031 Problem C | Create Special Group | Lab3 | 61 | 134 | |
1032 Problem D | Find the Spy | Lab3 | 57 | 151 | |
1033 Problem E | Finally, Army win! | Lab3 | 48 | 170 | |
1034 Problem F | Old Text Editor | Lab3 | 19 | 332 | |
1035 Problem G | Find the Median | Lab3 | 13 | 232 |