Welcome to DSAA_LAB6! Enjoy this Lab!
It has seven problems. Two of them are bonus.
Compulsory problems: A(easy):10, B(easy):15, C(easy):20, D(median):25, E(hard):30
Bonus problem: F(median):25, G(hard):25.
Hints: read the samples carefully.
Problem ID | Title | Source/Category | AC | Submit | |
1058 Problem A | The height of a tree | Lab6 | 64 | 94 | |
1059 Problem B | Level traversal | Lab6 | 59 | 215 | |
1060 Problem C | Traversal tree three in one | Lab6 | 59 | 86 | |
1061 Problem D | Find the preorder Traversal | Lab6 | 57 | 113 | |
1062 Problem E | Two tourists problem | Lab6 | 43 | 311 | |
1063 Problem F | Find the smallest pre-order traversal(small) | Lab6 | 37 | 116 | |
1064 Problem G | Find the smallest pre-order traversal(Iarge) | Lab6 | 21 | 118 |