Contest1024 - Sprint_dsaa_lab5

There are seven problems for you to solve. Two of them are bonus. Read the problem description carefully.

Compulsory problems: A(easy): 10 B(easy): 15 C(easy): 20 D(median): 25 E(hard): 30

Bonus problem: F(hard): 25 G(hard): 25

Read the samples carefully can help you understand the problem.

Start Time: 2018-04-16 16:00:00 End Time: 2018-05-02 23:59:00
Current Time: 2025-02-18 05:46:59 Status:Ended   Public
[Status] [Standing] [Statistics]
Problem IDTitle Source/Category AC Submit
1045 Problem  A How many substrings Lab5 46 74
1046 Problem  B String operations Lab5 37 100
1047 Problem  C Kate Make Program [Easy] Lab5 26 267
1049 Problem  D Abracadabra Lab5 12 208
1050 Problem  E Hash the string! Lab5 10 84
1051 Problem  F Cycle Lab5 16 62
1052 Problem  G Presuffix Lab5 13 23