Contest1027 - Spring_Dsaa_LAB7

Welcome to DSAA_LAB7! Enjoy this Lab!

It has six problems. One of them is bonus.

Compulsory problems: A(easy):10, B(hard):20, C(medium):20, D(easy):10, E(medium):20 F (medium) 20

Bonus problem: G(bonus):20

Hints: Please read the samples carefully, it will help you understand the problem.

Start Time: 2018-05-12 17:00:00 End Time: 2018-05-23 23:59:00
Current Time: 2025-02-09 19:16:04 Status:Ended   Public
[Status] [Standing] [Statistics]
Problem IDTitle Source/Category AC Submit
1065 Problem  A Find the most valuable path 13 222
1066 Problem  B Game 8 39
1067 Problem  C Heap 20 284
1068 Problem  D Find the path 26 152
1069 Problem  E Combination 18 67
1100 Problem  F get the max value 14 66
1070 Problem  G Combination plus 5 57